
The GCA offers a number of weekend instruction clinics throughout the spring, summer and fall.
Ducky Day
Lanier Canoe & Kayak Club July 15
Beginner white water August 8 (evening), 12,13
Trained beginner white water August 12-13
Fall safety course October 14-15
Beginner white water August 8 (evening), 12,13
Trained beginner white water August 12,13

Beginner White Water Kayak/Canoe. For people who have never had a boat on moving water. Three-hour evening classroom session with videos and lectures covering equipment, safety, river features, and paddling techniques for tandem and solo boaters. Full day Saturday flat water session emphasizing strokes, wet exits. Full day Sunday session on a class II river, practicing ferries, eddy turns, peel-outs, running rapids, self rescue, and assisted rescue.

Intermediate 1 White Water Kayak/Canoe. Participants should have had recent Beginner level instruction or 5 days of white water experience. Polish-up beginner skills, plus bracing and rolling (kayaks).

Intermediate 2 White Water Kayak/Canoe. Participants should be comfortable paddling class II-III white water such as the Nantahala. Kayakers should have a 100% flat water roll and a 50% reliable combat roll in class II rapids. Saturday morning lake session working on strokes and rolls (kayaks) and an afternoon session working on turns, surfing, eddy hopping, etc. Full day Sunday trip on a class II-III river.

Introduction to River Rescue and Safety. This one day, dry land only, clinic is designed to cover the fundamentals of river safety and rescue in a fun, low intensity environment. Topics include equipment, basic rescue philosophy, safe trip organization, throw rope use, single and multiple person wading, and snag/tag lines. All equipment is provided.

Safety and Rescue. This clinic teaches the river safety skills every paddler needs. Saturday provides a review of all topics in the Introduction course (above). On Sunday, clinic participants are divided into small groups and paddle a river, encountering various staged rescue scenarios that give them the opportunity to practice what they've learned.

ACA Swiftwater Rescue. This is an in-water course designed to give intermediate and above paddlers training and experience in swiftwater rescue skills and techniques. Emphasis is on learning by doing, and participants will learn and use a variety of swiftwater rescue skills including wading, aggressive swimming, snag/tag lines, rescue vest usage, swimming rescues, and mechanical extractions. A wet suit or dry suit is required for this course.



Registration: to register for one of these clinics you must be a member of the Georgia Canoeing Association. To join the GCA or for

an application call 404.421.9729. Dues are $25. To register for a clinic, call the coordinator of the clinic for more information. You

will NOT be registered until the coordinator receives this completed form and a check for $50.00 per person. Call early because

the clinics fill quickly.

CLINIC __________________________________________________________________________________________________

NAME __________________________________________________________________________________________________


CITY ____________________________________________ STATE ________ ZIP __________________________________

PHONE _________________________________________________________ AGE ________ SEX ______________________

ALLERGIES OR PRESCRIPTION MEDICINES __________________________________________________________________


DISABILITIES OR PHYSICAL PROBLEMS ______________________________________________________________________


All clinics are taught by American Canoe Association certified instructors and qualified assistants. Space is limited. Plan to register several weeks in advance of the clinic date.
Most clinics are two full days and are held on Saturday and Sunday. Some clinics also have an evening session held during the week preceding the clinic. You must furnish all of your own equipment. You will receive a detailed list of required and recommended equipment well in advance of the clinic.
The cost of most 2-day clinics is $50 per person. In addition, all clinic participants must be current GCA members. GCA Dues are $25 per year. To receive a clinic information/registration form, a GCA membership application, and a copy of the GCA newsletter The Eddy Line, contact the GCA by telephone or e-mail your request. The information will be sent to you via postal mail.

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